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Direct Data Entry (DDE)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KHIE is designated to facilitate the automation of public health reporting for the state of Kentucky.  Direct Data Entry (DDE) is the quasi-modernization of the manual entry of lab results for certain communicable diseases and their associated case reports.  Participating healthcare organizations can utilize KHIE's online web forms​ to manually enter these, replacing the traditional paper-based methods and minimizing administrative reporting burdens.  

Submit Laboratory Results through Direct Data Entry

Participants can manually enter laboratory result* details using the online web forms in the ePartnerViewer's DDE platform, replacing the need for completing and faxing the Epid forms. 

Tips to Determine the 'Need to Report'

1. Did my healthcare organization result the lab?  If yes, you must report the lab result to the state. 

2. Is this a reportable condition?  For assistance in determining this, please refer to the Resources section below.

​​Submit Case Reports through Direct Data Entry (Manual)

​Participants can manually enter case report* details using the online web forms in the ePartnerViewer's DDE platform replacing the need for completing and faxing the traditional case report forms.  

When utilizing KHIE's online web forms to enter certain reportable lab results, the option is available to complete the associated case report, as well.  The system will use information from the lab result just submitted to automatically populate certain fields of the electronic case report form, saving time and minimizing disruption in workflow.  

Tips to Determine the 'Need to Report'

1. Did my healthcare organization collect the specimen?  If yes, you are responsible for submitting the case report.

2. Is this a reportable condition?  For assistance in determining this, please refer to the Resources section below: 


902 KAR 2:020   

Amended Table of Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky​

Reportable Conditions Lab Results and Case Reports that can be submitted through DDE.

​If you need assistance, please email

​Onboard for Direct Data Entry Services

KHIE is designated to facilitate reporting of communicable diseases for healthcare organizations required to submit these to the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH).  If you are not currently LIVE with an ELR feed and/or eCR, you may consider utilizing KHIE's secure web-based platform as an efficient means of reporting. 

To register with KHIE to manually report communicable disease lab test results and case reports, follow these steps:​

  1. Complete the Direct Data Entry Intake Form.
  2. Download and review the online training materials for Lab Reporting​ and Case Reporting or
  3. Schedule a LIVE virtual training.
********************All training guides and videos for communicable disease laboratory results reporting and case reporting are located on the right side of this page.********************

Please note:  After processing your registration form, if any additional information is needed​, a KHIE Representative will reach out to you. 

To access the ePartnerViewer, KHIE utilizes the Kentucky Online Gateway, the Commonwealth of Kentucky's access management platform, commonly referred to as KOG.  You will be required to create a KOG account or sign in to your exis​ting KOG account.  You will receive an email that includes the instructions for creating your KOG account.  Please follow the instructions exactly.  For additional reference, these instructions are also included in the Direct Data Entry (Lab) Guide.​

​*Adhere to guidance mandated in​ 902 KAR 2:020​ and the Amended Table of Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky


COVID-19 Reporting Guidelines 

COVID-19 Reporting Guidance KDPH July 2024

Training Guides ​​

Direct Data Entry Laboratory Results User Guide

​Training Videos 

Entering Case Report Details in KHIE's Direct Data Entry​

Training Video: How to Use KHIE's Direct Data Entry System

Training 'How to' Mini-Video Spotlight:  Quick Entry for Negative COVID-19 Test Results

Training 'How to' Mini-Video Spotlight: Positive Entry Test Results and Ordering Details

Other Reportable Conditions (ORCs)

Other Reportable Conditions Case Reports DDE User Guide 

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome, STSS) DDE Quick Reference Guide

​​Other Reportable Conditions Case Report ​​​(Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, MIS-C) DDE Quick Reference Guide 

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report  (Toxic Shock Syndrome, TSS) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Viral Hemorrhagic Fever) DDE ​Quick Reference Guide

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Asbestosis)​​ DDE Quick Reference Guide

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Coal Workers' Pneumocon​​iosis) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Melioidosis, Whitmore's Disease) DDE Quick Reference Guide 

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Carbon Monoxide Poisoning) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Other Reportable Conditions Case Report (Mpox) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Respiratory Virus Associated Pediatric Mortality Case Report DDE User Guide

Adult HIV and Pediatric HIV Case Report DDE User Guide

​Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Case Reports DDE User Guide 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Case Report (Syphilis, Congenital Syphilis) DDE Quick Reference Guide


Acute Hepatitis A Case Report DDE User Guide

Acute Hepatitis B Case Report DDE User GuideAcute Hepatitis C​​ Case Report DDE User ​Guide

Perinatal Hepatitis Case Report DDE User Guide

Child Hepatitis Case Report DDE User Guide

Vaccine Preventable Diseases Vaccine Preventable Diseases Case Report (Diphtheria) DDE User Guide

Vaccine Preventable Diseases Case Report (Poliomyelitis, Paralytic) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Vaccine Preventable Diseases Case Report (Rubella, Congenital Syndrome) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Tuberculosis Case Report DDE User Guide​​

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases Case Report (Listeriosis and Listeria, Neonatal) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases Case Report (Acanthamoeba) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases Case Report (Salmonella paratyphi) DDE User Guide

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases Case Report (Invasive Cronobacter Infection Among Infants) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases Case Report (Naegleria fowleri) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Vectorborne Diseases 

Vectorborne Diseases Case Report (Keystone Virus, Neuroinvasive) DDE Quick Reference Guide

Vectorborne Diseases Case Report (Colorado Tick Fever) DDE User Guide​​​​​​

Vectorborne Diseases Case Report (Zika Virus and Zika Virus, Congenital)  DDE Quick Reference Guide

​​Vectorborne Diseases Case Report (Alpha-gal Syndrome) DDE Quick Reference Guide

KOG and MFA Information

This list is applicable only to Direct Data Entry case reporting.  It is not applicable to electronic case reporting.  

If you need assistance, please email
