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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Platinum Service Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing and Cross-Community Access IHE (XDS.b/XCA)

Health Information Exchange (HIE) via Integration with Electronic Record Systems.  With this integration for clinical document exchange, healthcare providers can query KHIE from within their own electronic record system to quickly access the patient health information from multiple healthcare sources such as participating hospitals, physician practices, and clinics.  KHIE's Platinum connection features access to real-time clinical data plus Medicaid claims data.​

KHIE implements an HIE interface to push/pull data between KHIE and the KHIE Participant's electronic health record system.  KHIE supports Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) and Cross-Community Access (XCA) IHE framework standards.  

Data integration into EMR/EHR patient charts is available, depending on the Participant's EMR/EHR system capabilities.

Image Exchange Service

KHIE's Image Exchange​ Service affords healthcare providers the ability to view medical images in KHIE's ePartnerViewer.  This innovative service enables KHIE Participants to contribute medical images and also export images to a destination Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) to view high-resolution images. 

Authorized users with Clinical Roles in the ePartnerViewer will have the ability to view images and authorized users with PACS Administrator Roles in the ePartnerViewer will not only be able to view images but will also be able to export those images to a destination Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) of their choosing, where users can view high-resolution images.

Event Notification Service

Partnering with KHIE for Event Notifications​ can keep providers 'in the know' as their patients transition from various healthcare settings back to the practice. The use of Event Notifications to inform healthcare providers when a patient is admitted to or discharged from an emergency department, for example, supports care coordination across disparate providers.

In order to receive notice of these events, you must supply a patient panel.

eHealth Exchange

The connection to the national eHealth Exchange​ not only enables KHIE to share healthcare information from some of the Commonwealth's provider and hospital o​rganizations but from other healthcare organizations located outside of Kentucky in bordering states as well as from specific healthcare organizations that we know are important to you.   Stay tuned as we continue to make additional connections.​​

Reporting Positive Toxicology Screens 

Statutory and regulatory requirements mandate that Kentucky hospitals electronically report positive toxicology  screen results to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) via the Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE). 

​KRS218A.202 (4) requires "a Kentucky-licensed acute care hospital or critical access hospital shall report to the Cabinet all positive toxicology screens that were performed by the hospital's emergency department to evaluate the patient's suspected drug overdose." 

Direct Data Entry (DDE)

KHIE is designated to facilitate the automation of public health reporting for the state of Kentucky.  Direct Data Entry​ is the quasi-modernization of the manual entry of lab results for certain communicable diseases and their associated case reports.  Participating healthcare organizations can utilize KHIE's online webforms to manually enter these laboratory results and case reports.  This process replaces traditional paper-based methods for reportable conditions, minimizing administrative reporting burdens.       

Click to review the communicable disease lab results and case reports​ that can be reported through DDE. 

Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) 

Electronic Case Reporting is the secure, automatic creation of case reports from an electronic health record system (EHR/EMR) that is transmitted through KHIE via Direct Secure Messaging to KDPH for communicable disease monitoring. eCR captures rich clinical data including demographics, comorbidities, immunizations, medications, and other socio-economic determinants of health.

Participants can engage with KHIE to establish a Direct Secure Messaging (DSM) connection to electronically submit case reports directly from their EMR/EHR systems.  Participant organizations unable to establish a DSM connection or are waiting for the connection to be established can use the ePartnerViewer DDE platform to manually enter certain case reports.

The availability of this service not only enhances the Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) Service that KHIE already offers but further streamlines Participant workflow and minimizes the burden of reporting requirements.

Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

​Know the socioeconomic conditions that influence your patient's health.  KHIE makes social determinants of health​ data from more than 14,000 provider, payer, and community-based organizations across the state available through a partnership with kynect resources, a community resource web portal.  With access to the ePartnerViewer, you can be informed of social determinants that affect your patient's health. KHIE has developed its own Standardizing Data tool that aligns data found in ICD-10 and LOINC codes to the Kentucky Needs Assessment (KNA), a tool used by kynect resources.  As patient data is determined to be critical, important or stable, the pertinent social health needs will be indicated and displayed in the ePartnerViewer.       

With the integration between KHIE and kynect resources, we not only share assessment results with our users, but we also ​offer a direct link to kynect resources, enabling users to refer patients to much needed community resources.                            

Patient Alert Query Service

This is a web service solution that will enable KHIE Participant's healthcare clinicians to query KHIE to see whether there are any known alerts on a specific patient.  Benefits include improving communication among healthcare organizations to facilitate care coordination.  Alerts include:  Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), Abnormal A1c, Abnormal Lead Level, COVID-19, Extensively Drug Resistant Organisms (XDRO), Office for Children With Special Health C​​are Needs (OCSHCN).​​

Direct Secure Messaging

Direct Secure Messaging​ is the simple and secure way for providers to send authenticated and encrypted patient health information (PHI) to known and trusted recipients over a secure and encrypted network. Providers can utilize KHIE's Health Information Service Provider (HISP) and Direct Secure Messaging web portal, CareAlign, to improve care coordination efforts.

KHIE facilitates a Direct Email Catalog where healthcare providers can submit and share their Direct Secure email address with the community at large. Participants can utilize this tool to search for referral partners across the Commonwealth and bordering states.

Clinical Data Registry Reporting

KHIE supports Clinical Data Registry reporting objectives for Promoting Interoperability.

Health Information Exchange

KHIE Participants in active engagement with KHIE's Platinum Service can utilize the Kentucky Health Information Exchange as a Clinical Data Registry.

Advance Directive

Available for healthcare providers who want to send an advance directive document via Direct Secure Messaging.

Public Health Registries and Reporting

KHIE serves as the data intermediary for healthcare providers seeking to electronically submit immunization data, syndromic surveillance data, cancer case reporting, and communicable disease reporting. As the designated public health authority in Kentucky, KHIE supports objectives for Promoting Interoperability and QPP.

Immunization Submission

In Kentucky, we strive to achieve a single source for immunization information. The Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) offers healthcare providers up-to-date patient immunization history, which can help reduce vaccine-preventable diseases and over-vaccination.  Through KHIE, healthcare providers can submit immunization information directly from their electronic medical/health record system, saving time and ensuring immunization information is timely and accurate.

Immunization Query

Immunization Query allows healthcare providers the ability to look at the Kentucky Immunization Registry​ (KYIR) information directly from their electronic medical/health record system. This connection eliminates the need to navigate to the KYIR website separately to log in, saving time and more quickly informing the provider of the vital immunization information.

​Reportable Labs (ELR)

Electronic Laboratory Reporting​ (ELR) is the automated reporting of communicable diseases to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, in accordance with 902 KAR 2:020. The benefits of ELR include improved timeliness of reports and reduction of manual errors.

Syndromic Surveillance

Syndromic Surveillance is the use of data collection and analysis with the intent of detecting and monitoring trends or disease outbreaks. KHIE helps healthcare providers seeking to electronically submit syndromic surveillance data to the CDC National Syndromic Surveillance Program.



The ePartnerViewer​ is a view-only portal that offers healthcare clinicians a view of patient clinical data from multiple healthcare sources.  The customizable display of essential patient data is in a functional and easy-to-use format that results in real-time information at your fingertips.  The ePartnerViewer features access to  real-time clinical data, KASPER data for authorized KASPER users, and Medicaid claims data.​

Login through the Kentucky Online Gateway (KOG).

The ePartnerViewer is the platform for Direct Data Entry (DDE) which enables healthcare organizations to meet reporting requirements for communicable diseases (lab results) and their associated case reports (case reporting).*

*Adhere to guidance mandated in 902 KAR 2-020

                                                      HEALTHCARE'S BETTER WHEN IT'S CONNECTED.  CONNECT WITH KHIE TODAY.