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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ongoing Scheduled Maintenance

Each Friday evening, the KHIE ePartnerViewer will undergo scheduled maintenance​ to improve performance. 

KHIE's Customizable Portal & Comprehensive​ Health Record

The ePartnerViewer, our customizable clinical portal, offers users a view of real-time and historical clinical data from multiple healthcare sources; there's an incredible amount of data located in one trusted source that results in real-time information at your fingertips. 

The portal is very intuitive and easily navigated.  In the ePartnerViewer, a patient chart is categorized into clinically relevant groups for easy record review.  A Portlet is a new, unique feature offered in the ePartnerViewer that provides a 'Patient-at-a-Glance' view or snapshot into a patient's record.  A Portlet displays up to five of the most recent result reports in each of the clinical categories.    

ePartnerViewer Showcases Four New Features

Event Notification Service (ENS)

Partnering with KHIE for Event Notifications can keep providers 'in the know' as their patients transition from various healthcare settings back to the practice. The use of Event Notifications to inform healthcare providers when a patient is admitted to or discharged from an Emergency Department, for example, supports care coordination across disparate providers.  With our new system functionality, KHIE's supports 13 event notification types.  

Bulk Upload Patient Panels in the ePartnerViewer is now an easier and more efficient process.  Authorized users with the Event Notification Administrator role can easily select event notifications for newly added patients on a bulk upload file.  It's also easier to delete existing patients from a user's patient panel.  

​Event Notification Types

  • Hospital Admission
  • Emergency Department Admission
  • Hospital Readmission
  • Specialty Visit
  • Behavioral Health Admission
  • Toxicology Screen                          

  • Hospital Discharge
  • Emergency Department Discharge
  • Overutilization
  • Result Ready for Review
  • Behavioral Health Discharge
  • Positive COVID-19
  • Abnormal A1c

Bookmarked Patients

Bookmarks can be set to enable a user to easily navigate to a particular patient record such as one that may need to be reviewed frequently.  Users can easily manage which patients appear in the Bookmarked Patients listing.

Direct Secure Messaging

Direct Secure Messaging is the simple and secure way for providers to send authenticated and encrypted patient health information (PHI) to known and trusted recipients over a secure and encrypted network. Providers can utilize KHIE's Health Information Service Provider (HISP) and Direct Secure Messaging web portal, CareAlign, to improve care coordination efforts.

KASPER Integration

If you are an authorized KASPER user, you will have access to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Report (PDMP) without having to go outside the portal to login to KASPER to retrieve it.  

Let KHIE be a game changer for you!

A fifth feature could really be the data itself!  Patient data has never been more easily accessible--all in one place.  KHIE facilitates the exchange of real-time clinical data from organizations all across the Commonwealth including Hospitals, Emergency Departments, Clinics, Behavioral Health Centers, Correctional Facilities, the Immunization Registry, Medicaid Claims data, and EMS data.

This is access to an incredible amount of data!  Currently, all Kentucky hospitals make data available to KHIE—data such as clinical summaries and encounter and diagnosis information—that's an astounding statement!  If you want to monitor your patients for hospital and emergency department admissions and discharges through the KHIE Event Notification Service, with the number of hospitals participating with us, you will no doubt be notified when your patients transition through the various healthcare systems. 

There are over 6600 ambulatory healthcare locations connected; that represents 16,000 data feeds that include immunization data, encounter, and diagnosis information.  That's a lot of essential health information available at your fingertips.  The value truly is recognized at the point of care, when healthcare providers can quickly and easily access a comprehensive, more holistic view of a patient's health history.

                 To learn more, reach out to the KHIE Outreach Coordinator in your area



​New Features         ​​​​

New & Improved Functionality for Event Notifications Bulk Upload

KHIE announces New Functionality in the ePartnerViewer! Integration with kynect resources aids in addressing SDoH concerns
Understanding the KHIE/kynect resources integration
kynect resources Community Partner Welcome Packet

​ePartnerViewer Program

ePartnerViewer Policy Process Procedure 

Training Resources

ePartnerViewer User Guides

KHIE Best Practice Tips and Cheat Sheet Handbook

ePartnerViewer User Guide

Event Notifications in the ePartnerViewer User Guide

Event Notifications Bulk Upload Patient Panel in the ePartnerViewer Complete User Guide

Event Notifications Bulk Upload Patient Panel in the ePartnerViewer Quick Reference Guide

Cumulative Laboratory Results in the ePartnerViewer User Guide

Manual Notes in the ePartnerViewer User Guide

Export and Print in the ePartnerViewer User Guide 

Direct Secure Messaging in the ePartnerViewer Quick Reference Guide

Image Exchange in the ePartnerViewer User Guide

​Admin Resources  

​ePartnerViewer Admin  
User Provisioning and Access Management User Guide for ePartnerViewer Admin

Access Restriction 'Break the Glass' Guide for Participants

ePartnerViewer Roles Description

K​OG Login User Guides

NEW: KOG ForgeRock MFA ePartnerViewer Login KOG User Guide

NEW:  KOG Login User Guide_1.13.25NEW:  KOG ForgeRock MFA FAQ_1.13.25

KOG Okta MFA ePartnerViewer Login User Guide


ePartnerViewer Training Videos
Complete Training Vide​o KHIE’s ePartnerViewer