Electronic Reporting of Syndromic Surveillance
The Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) provides a service to automate the reporting of syndromic surveillance data. KHIE is the data intermediary in Kentucky for healthcare providers seeking to electronically submit syndromic surveillance data to the CDC National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP). In Kentucky, hospitals and ambulatory healthcare organizations participate in syndromic surveillance. Electronic reporting of syndromic surveillance data assists KHIE Participant providers in meeting measures for the Medicare Quality Payment Program (QPP)/Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).
Syndromic Surveillance is conducted to monitor public health to improve overall health status. Surveillance is the ongoing collection and analysis of health data that affords early detection and monitoring of trends and/or disease outbreaks. Syndromic is used to surveil many diseases and conditions. It uses signs, symptoms, and preliminary diagnoses data that's gathered during routine patient care. When health related information is received in real time, as soon as possible, it yields earlier analysis of the potential spread of disease and results in more effective action and quicker response.
Working in close collaboration with the CDC NSSP and the Kentucky Department for Public Health, KHIE monitors and forwards identified syndromic surveillance Admission, Discharge, and Transfer (ADT) event notification messages to CDC's BioSense platform. Messages are transmitted in accordance with ONC and CDC specifications.
Page Content Updated 03_20_2025