The Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) is the public health reporting authority in Kentucky. Eligible professionals (EPs) and eligible hospitals/critical access hospitals (EH/CAHs) that wish to submit data to any of the following public health registries must do so through KHIE.
Any EP or EH/CAH that administers any type of immunization (influenza, pneumococcal, HPV, chickenpox, shingles, etc.) during the EHR reporting period can submit to the immunization registry.
Immunization Query
Any EP or EH/CAH that wants to receive immunization forecasts and histories from the public health immunization registry/immunization information system (IIS) can query the immunization registry.
In Kentucky, all EPs or EHs/CAHs collect syndromic surveillance data and are eligible to submit data to this registry.
Kentucky adopted legislation, 902 KAR 2:020, requiring laboratory results to be electronically reported through KHIE to the Department for Public Health.
Through Direct Secure Messaging (DSM), KHIE Participants can electronically submit case reports in real time directly out of their EMR/EHR system through KHIE to the Department for Public Health.
Direct Data Entry (DDE) is the quasi-modernization of the manual entry of lab results for certain communicable diseases and their associated case reports. Participating healthcare organizations can utilize KHIE's online web forms to manually enter these, replacing the traditional paper-based methods and minimizing administrative reporting burdens.
Clinical Data Registry Reporting
Health Information Exchange
Any EP or EH/CAH can use KHIE as a clinical data registry for Promoting Interoperability/Meaningful Use Stage 3.
Advance Directive Project
In Kentucky, any EP or EH/CAH can submit advance directive documents to the KHIE Advance Directive Project.
Connecting Kentucky. Improving Healthcare.