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Electronic Case Reporting

​​​Electronic Initial Case Reporting (eICR)

Electronic Initial Case Reporting (eICR) offers benefits to both healthcare providers and to public health.  KHIE has partnered once again with the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) to modernize the way healthcare organizations report cases of communicable disease.  

The electronic initial case report is termed 'initial' because the report may be the first report made to public health from the clinical provider.  The report may contain pertinent data for the public health agency to initiate investigation or conduct other appropriate public health activities, such as contact tracing​.  ​

​Leverage KHIE to fulfill state-mandated reporting requirements for communicable diseases and their associated case reports.

Onboard to Submit Case Reports

​Electronic Case Reporting is the secure, automatic creation of case reports from an electronic health record system that is transmitted through KHIE to KDPH for communicable disease investigation.  Through Direct Secure Messaging (DSM), KHIE Participants can electronically submit case reports in real time directly out of their EMR/EHR system.  It makes the process faster and more accurate, timely, and reliable.  This not only enhances the Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) service KHIE already offers, it further streamlines the workflow, minimizing the burden of reporting requirements.  

To ensure the KHIE onboarding process runs efficiently, the KHIE Participant should engage in the following preliminary preparation:

1. Confirm your EMR/EHR vendor has the capability to electronically submit a case report .

2. Provide a list of all physical locations:  include the address and phone number for each, include a main contact name for each location, and include the group or individual NPI number for each location.  Please also include a contact name and email address for the EMR/EHR vendor.

3.  Review the eCR Participant Guide 

4. Review the AIMS technical specifications for electronic case reporting

5. Review the Data Elements for electronic case reporting.

6. Contact ecr.cdc@gov to onboard with APHL/CDC.  ​

7.  Sign the KHIE Participation Agreement.

The Onboarding Process

The eCR Onboarding Process smaller3.PNG

1.  Review the Connectivity Guide for electronic case reporting.

2. Review the KHIE Process to Onboard for electronic case reporting.​

3. Understand the Acronyms and Terminology related to electronic case reporting.

4. Test and validate to trigger reportable response cases.  Utilize the following tools:

Benefits for Healthcare Providers:

  • provides critical information regarding outbreaks
  • improves public health reporting​
  • available for multiple reportable conditions​
  • reduces burden on healthcare staff
  • ​​minimizes disruption in the clinical workflow
  • ​fulfills reporting requirements​
  • meets CMS Promoting Interoperability Program requirements*

Benefits for Public Health Agencies:

  • provides more timely and complete data upon initial reporting
  • monitors the spread of reportable conditions 
  • enables quicker public health response 
  • improves response time during outbreaks and public health emergencies
  • improves communication with healthcare providers
  • shares critical information with healthcare providers

Partnering to Improve Health Information Technology.