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Public Health Reporting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Public Health Reporting through KHIE 

Electronic Laboratory Reporting ​(ELR)

Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) is the automated reporting of communicable diseases to the Kentucky Department for Public Health, in accordance with 902 KAR 2:020 and the   Table of Reportable Diseases and Conditions in Kentucky.  The benefits of ELR include improved timeliness of reports and reduction of manual errors.

​​Lab results for communicable diseases/notifiable conditions can be electronically reported seamlessly via electronic interface submission​ OR reported through KHIE's ePartnerViewer Direct Data Entry (DDE) platform.

Learn how to electronically submit lab results (ELR) via an electronic laboratory interface. ​​​​

Register Here to submit lab resu​​lts in the ePartnerViewer's Direct Data Entry Service

​*KHIE is onboarding to set up ELR interface connections for the electronic submission of all reportable conditions except Lead. 

Electronic Case Reporting​ (eCR)

Case reports for communicable diseases/notifiable conditions can be reported using Direct Secure Messaging (DSM) for a seamless electronic submission OR reported through KHIE's ePartnerViewer Direct Data Entry (DDE) platform.​

Electronically submit case reports​  via a seamless DSM connection.
Register Here​ to submit case reports in the ePartnerViewer's Direct Data Entry Service.  ​ 

Direct Data Entry (DDE)

Direct Data Entry (DDE) is the quasi-modernization of the traditional manual entry of lab results for communicable diseases and their associated case reports.  Participating healthcare organizations can utilize KHIE's online web forms​ to enter case reports, replacing the traditional paper-based methods and minimizing administrative reporting burdens.  

​Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR)

The Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) provides a service to automate the reporting of immunization data.  KHIE is the data intermediary in Kentucky for healthcare providers seeking to electronically submit immunization data to the KYIR.  

Immunization Submission

In Kentucky, we strive to achieve a single source for immunization information. Through KHIE, healthcare providers can submit immunization information directly from their electronic medical record system, saving time and ensuring immunization information is timely and accurate.

Immunization Query

Immunization Query allows healthcare providers the ability to look at the Kentucky Immunization Registry​ (KYIR) information directly from their electronic medical record system. This connection eliminates the need to navigate to the KYIR website separately and log in; therefore, more quickly informing the provider of the critical immunization information.

​Syndromic Surveillance (SS)

The Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE) provides a service to automate the reporting of syndromic surveillance data.  KHIE is the data intermediary in Kentucky for healthcare providers seeking to electronically submit syndromic surveillance data to the CDC National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP).  In Kentucky, hospitals and ambulatory healthcare organizations participate in syndromic surveillance. 

​How can KHIE e​nable Care Coordination and Better Treatment? 

KHIE is committed to playing a key role in informing healthcare providers quickly with real-time notifications and access to a comprehensive patient record. Access the ePartnerViewer to take advantage of KHIE's Patient Alert Query Service to find a patient's status for reportable disease conditions. This will prove valuable as patients transition through the various healthcare systems.


The Latest NEWS

COVID-19 Reporting Guidance KDPH July 2024


LOINC list for NEDSS Updated: 02-24-2025  

National LOINC Codes List

SNOMED Codes​​         Updated:  02-24-2025​

Participants Submitting Lab Results

CLICK HERE to view a list* of organizations/healthcare providers submitting lab results electronically through an ELR interface connection.

CLICK HERE​ to view a list* of organizations/healthcare providers submitting lab results by manually entering lab data in the KHIE Direct Data Entry system in the ePartnerViewer.  
​                                          ​*Updated: 8​​​​​​​​/​01​​​/2024

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