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Event Notifications in the ePartnerViewer

​​​​​Event Notifications in the ePartnerViewer

Partnering with KHIE for Event Notifications can keep healthcare providers ‘in the know’ as their patients transition from various healthcare settings back to their practice. Notifications are intended to improve the timely flow of information and enhance care coordination. Event Notifications support coordination across disparate care providers.​ Upon receipt of these notifications, healthcare providers and care coordinators can more quickly and effectively focus on the healthcare needs of their patients who are transitioning in and out of care settings.

The Event Notifications feature in the ePartnerViewer enables healthcare providers to track high priority patients and informs providers of specific healthcare events that have occurred with specific patients in their care for the purposes of treatment, quality improvement, and care coordination activities. When a notification is received, a participating healthcare clinician can use the ePartnerViewer to see additional information such as discharge and follow-up instructions that are related to the patient's treatment during the encounter.  

Bulk Upload: Adding a Patient Panel

How Does It Work? 

If you elect to receive notifications through the ePartnerViewer, you will have the functionality within the viewer to add and monitor patients for whom you wish to receive event notifications.  There's an option in which patients can be added individually.  In the ePartnerViewer, you search for your patient(s) and add them to your event notification list.  This is a viable option for users who are monitoring a lower volume of patients.  

There's an option available to upload a patient panel (excel spreadsheet) with a large volume of patients; there's no limit on the number of patients you can add to the panel.  This option offers an efficient way to monitor a large volume of patients or to monitor subsets of patients with the same notification needs, such as diabetes patients. Authorized users with the Event Notification Administrator role can easily select event notifications for new patients and/or delete existing patients from the panel.

Event Notification Administrator

The bulk upload patient panel functionality is designed to reduce the burden on healthcare professionals who have large patient volume.  Authorized ePartnerViewer users with the Event Notification Administrator role can use the bulk patient upload feature to monitor patient panels for different Clinical users within the same organization. Event Notification Administrators can assign patients to ePartnerViewer Clinical users and select which event notifications will be received for each patient.  To gain a full understanding of the bulk upload feature in the ePartnerViewer, please review theComplete User Guide for bulk uploading patient panels in the ePartnerViewer; to see a concise list of step-by-step instructions, review the Quick Reference Guide for bulk uploading patient panels in the ePartnerViewer​.

What are the Benefits of receiving Event Notifications?

Use of notifications is expected to Improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare which will result in:
  • Reduced hospital readmissions
  • Decreased health care costs
  • Improved patient health status
  • Timely follow up with patients after emergency department and hospital discharge
  • Care coordination

                          To learn more, please contact the KHIE Outreach Coordinator in your area

                                                   INFLUENCING THE WAY HEALTHCARE IS PLANNED, COORDINATED, AND DELIVERED.